emma in
the end

emma grows up, sometimes

Sunday, September 12, 2010,9:16 PM
how things are going

they're going okay. i'm crazy stressed out with school most of the time, just because i've got a lot of senior thesis and yearbook stuff and then little academic stuff piled on top of it. i've been watching a lot of tv series lately, but i can't seem to finish any of them. The L Word, Lost, I need to watch Avatar, and then Rome, and Pushing Daisies, and I promised someone I would watch Pretty Little Liars, and I need to catch up on True Blood. I promised Simon.
Senior thesis is killing me. Why exactly did i tell Flynn that I was writing three novels? Why do I continuously make an ass of myself? Who knows.

And why did I tell my mother that I would wake up at five in the morning and walk with her? I do not even like walking with her. I wish she would let me walk alone.
Thursday, September 2, 2010,7:12 PM
cannot breathe

cannot think, i don't know what i'm doing anymore.
Sunday, August 15, 2010,9:13 PM
those little star things on the side of my layout

CLICK THEM! They've got interesting things there, like a cbox, contact info and things that I like. so CLICK THEM!
8:54 PM
first week of school - COMPLETE

The first week of school was pretty awesome. My classes are easy enough that i'm not too stressed out about them, which is good for me, because i've never honestly been that interested in academics. I'm more into the idea of a classical education than what the modern educational system has to offer: something where you learn your basic math and reading and science and history skills and information but then continue with your own course of learning from there. Like, I want to learn SO VERY MUCH, but I can never get interested enough in what I'm supposed to be learning. The Internets has taught me far more than school ever has. I mean, don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that's entirely a good thing. But hey. At least I'm learning stuff.

I feel like I should put a disclaimer here in the beginning that when it comes to grammar and capitalization, especially when I'm writing as I go and it's not something planned out, it doesn't go very well. I don't usually capitalize stuff in most of my writing, so my first instinct is to forget about the shift key. so please, don't hate me for that one. in my head, capitalized letters are just ugly.

But anyways. I found (or rather, my julia gave me) this awesome song/video. you should listen to it.
it's been stuck in my head for dayyyyyyyssss.

another thing that i've been stuck on for days? The L Word. It's so, so, so, so, so, so awesome. I'm at the end of the second season, me and Julia are kind of watching it together when we get the chance, so we try to stay somewhere near the same episodes. I skipped the first season because netflix didn't have it to watch online, but i read summaries. That show, it's so awesome. I can't believe I waited this long to watch it.

BUT ANYWAYS, BACK TO MY CLASSES WHICH IS WHAT I WAS TRYING TO DISCUSS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Yearbook - going to be awesome. With me for an editor and awesome new sponsors, i'm super freaking excited. Forensics - OH MY GOD ITS SO AWESOME. SO, SO AWESOME. I can't wait until we get into handwriting analysis and fingerprinting and blood splatters and dna and stuff like that. handwriting analysis especially. that stuff is so fascinating. AP GOV - it's, well. AP GOV. but i've got my favorite teacher who makes everything simple, so it's going to be okay. I'm not taking the AP test. I refuse to - think AP is a ridiculous idea. I'm just taking the AP version of the course because I know the teachers better. Stats - I was so very, very scared of this class before school started. But oh my god, I really hope it continues on like this all year. The teacher is the head of the math science department, so she thinks all of us art kids need to take things REALLY SLOW and need a lot of examples and very little homework. I freaking love this chinese woman. She's like, the savior of math. After stats I have homeroom, which is turning out a lot cooler than I expected it to be (we've never had a homeroom at my school before. They made a homeroom/lunch hour where the first thirty minutes half of the school does homeroom and the other half does lunch, and then we switch for the last thirty minutes.) and then i have lunch, and then Brit Lit which is going to be a really awesome class and I'm excited for it. However, i have serious reservations about beowulf. I'm looking forward to the Canterbury Tales, though. and then i have Creative Writing Enrichment which is basically a senior nap period but really is supposed to be an extra work period for senior thesis. I guess we'll see how much time I spend actually working in those forty seven minutes instead of playing with our homemade version of not-really-sex-dice. And then I have three hours of creative writing workshops and senior thesis.

This year, I've decided, will be the best yet.
Sunday, August 1, 2010,1:20 PM
senior thesis

senior thesis is a big load of crap

So, senior thesis, right? It's where, in your senior year, you pull together and write together a BUNCH OF THINGS THAT DON'T EVEN HAVE TO MATCH but that pretty much is a comprehensive portfolio of your work. And it's a LOT of WORK. My first turn in date? To my department chair? The first day of school. Thirty pages. LADSLKFBASDLFKASDJKJCASKDFJSDF.

I told myself, Emma. You're going to get this done. You're going to get this done and it's going to be awesome and wonderful and great. And you're going to like it.


someone save me.
Saturday, July 31, 2010,5:26 PM
have you ever wished that someone you knew would die just so you could figure out what it felt like to miss someone like that

So, like, on Wednesday? Yeah, Wednesday. Me, my family, and I were driving. We were in North Carolina which is like, twelve hours away from home but we were on our way back from a trip to DC which wasn't actually a trip to DC it was a trip to this school in Virginia that I wanted to see but we were like, hey, DC's only four hours away, we've never seen it, why not, you know? yeah. so anyways.
WE WERE IN THE CAR. And my mother looked at her phone and she was like, "WhAaAaTt?". Just like that and everything. And she had gotten the following text:

so, besides the fact that that text was the most insensitive text ever, it sounds like my grandmother has had a heart attack almost a day ago and no one has even bothered to call us. so after about twenty minutes of calling around to our family members and no one answering, we finally remember that my grandfather recently got a cellphone and we call him.
We don't get back into town until one o'clock the next morning, but everyone is telling us she's fine so we just go to sleep and wake up and go to the hospital the next morning. After a bunch of tests and everything, she's still okay, and she's getting to go home. But then that night I have this dream. She's dead, and I don't even realize it's a dream because it's all so realistic. But when I wake up, I keep thinking about what it would have been like if it hadn't been a dream. And. Well, the whole thing. The whole thing was so confusing. And then I found myself kind of wishing that she HAD died, just so I'd know what happened afterwards when people died.
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

But in other news, I think my goldfish is pregnant. PREGNANT. in a one gallon tank that's not even enough room for the two of them now. >.< Jesus.
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how things are goingcannot breathethose little star things on the side of my layoutfirst week of school - COMPLETEsenior thesishave you ever wished that someone you knew would d...
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