emma in
the end

emma grows up, sometimes

Sunday, September 12, 2010,9:16 PM
how things are going

they're going okay. i'm crazy stressed out with school most of the time, just because i've got a lot of senior thesis and yearbook stuff and then little academic stuff piled on top of it. i've been watching a lot of tv series lately, but i can't seem to finish any of them. The L Word, Lost, I need to watch Avatar, and then Rome, and Pushing Daisies, and I promised someone I would watch Pretty Little Liars, and I need to catch up on True Blood. I promised Simon.
Senior thesis is killing me. Why exactly did i tell Flynn that I was writing three novels? Why do I continuously make an ass of myself? Who knows.

And why did I tell my mother that I would wake up at five in the morning and walk with her? I do not even like walking with her. I wish she would let me walk alone.
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